School of Science & Healthcare
THE BIBLE AND SCIENCE are never in conflict. In fact, the origins of the scientific method are found in the Bible. We believe that the only true source of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding comes from the Lord. We offer fully accredited degrees in Science and Healthcare that are entirely founded on biblical truths.
Three programs are offered in The School of Science and Healthcare – Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry (built in pre-med and pre-pharmacy tracts), Bachelor of Science in Biology (numerous biology electives bespoke to the field of biology), and Associate of Science.
These programs focus on training students to apply reasoning concerning core biblical principles and communicate the results across multiple levels of the biological and chemical sciences. Students are trained to be world class scientists and healthcare professionals, all while serving the Lord through the local church.
Stem Careers
Traditional STEM careers include health care (such as nursing, medical lab technician, pre-medical, occupational therapist, physical therapist), research, engineering, physics, math, technology, computer science, biology, chemistry, environmental science, laboratory technicians, or STEM secondary education. Students also complete selected Bible courses to help provide a foundational knowledge of God and His Word.
• Apply reasoning concerning core biblical principles and communicate the results across levels of the biological and chemical sciences.
• Design biochemical experiments with appropriate methods, controls, and scientific approaches.
• Review and analyze primary biochemical data and literature to critically evaluate scientific merit and conclusions.
• Work proficiently on individual and group projects in the biological and chemical sciences.
BI101 Old Testament Survey (3)
CM121 Personal Evangelism (2)
BU141 Office Computer Applications (3)
EN101 Grammar & Composition I (3)
MA323 College Algebra (3)
SC341 Chemistry I (3)
SC341.151 Chemistry I Lab (1)
OR100 Freshman Orientation (1)
Total Credits: 19
BI102 New Testament Survey (3)
CM132 Living the Christian Life (2)
EN104 Grammar & Composition II (3)
EN122 Speech (3)
MA220 Probability & Statistics (3)
SC342 Chemistry II (3)
SC342.151 Chemistry II Lab (1)
Total Credits: 18
BI211 Bible Doctrine I (3)
PS101 Introduction to Psychology (3)
HI101 History of Civilization I (3)
SC311 Human Anatomy & Physiology I (4)
SC240 Molecular Biology (3)
SC240.151 Molecular Biology Lab (1)
Total Credits: 17
BI212 Bible Doctrine II (3)
BU260 Economics (3)
HI102 History of Civilization II (3)
SC314 Human Anatomy & Physiology II (4)
SC401 Creation Science (3)
Total Credits: 16
BI206 Principles & Methods of Bible Study (2)
BIEL301 Bible Elective (2)
BIEL302 Bible Elective (2)
MI103 Introduction to Missions (2)
MA321 Calculus I (3)
SC350 Organic Chemistry I (3)
SC350.151 Organic Chemistry I Lab (1)
Total Credits: 15
BI203 Methods of Bible Teaching (2)
EN204 American Literature (3)
MA322 Calculus II (3)
SC352 Organic Chemistry II (3)
SC352.151 Organic Chemistry II Lab (1)
SC411 Teaching Secondary Science (3)
Total Credits: 15
GNEL401 General Elective (2)
HI491 Baptist History & Distinctives (3)
SC391 Physics I (3)
SC391.151 Physics I Lab (1)
SC420 Cell Biology (3)
SC420.151 Cell Biology Lab (1)
SC440 Biochemistry I (3)
SC440.151 Biochemistry I Lab (1)
Total Credits: 17
BIEL401 Bible Elective (2)
CM443 Marriage & Family (2)
SC392 Physics II (3)
SC392.151 Physics II Lab (1)
SC430 Ecology (3)
SC430.151 Ecology Lab (1)
SC442 Biochemistry II (3)
SC442.151 Biochemistry II Lab (1)
OR400 Senior Forum (1)
Total Credits: 17
• Apply reasoning concerning core biblical principles and communicate the results across levels of the biological sciences.
• Design biological experiments with appropriate methods, controls, and scientific approaches.
• Review and analyze primary biological data and literature to critically evaluate scientific merit and conclusions.
• Work proficiently on individual and group projects in the biological sciences.
BI101 Old Testament Survey (3)
CM121 Personal Evangelism (2)
BU141 Office Computer Applications (3)
EN101 Grammar & Composition I (3)
MA323 College Algebra (3)
SCEL111 Biology Elective (3/4)
OR100 Freshman Orientation (1)
Total Credits: 18/19
BI102 New Testament Survey(3)
CM132 Living the Christian Life (2)
EN104 Grammar & Composition II (3)
EN122 Speech (3)
MA220 Probability & Statistics (3)
SCEL112 Biology Elective (3/4)
Total Credits: 17/18
BI211 Bible Doctrine I (3)
PS101 Introduction to Psychology (3)
HI101 History of Civilization I (3)
SCEL211 Biology Elective (3/4)
SCEL212 Biology Elective (3/4)
Total Credits: 15/17
BI212 Bible Doctrine II (3)
BU260 Economics (3)
HI102 History of Civilization II (3)
SC401 Creation Science (3)
SCEL213 Biology Elective (3/4)
SCEL214 Biology Elective (3/4)
Total Credits: 18/20
BI206 Principles & Methods of Bible Study (2)
BIEL301 Bible Elective (2)
BIEL302 Bible Elective (2)
MI103 Introduction to Missions (2)
SCEL311 Biology Elective (3/4)
SC312 Biology Elective (3/4)
Total Credits: 14/16
BI203 Methods of Bible Teaching (2)
EN204 American Literature (3)
SCEL313 Biology Elective (3/4)
SCEL314 Biology Elective (3/4)
SC411 Teaching Secondary Science (3)
Total Credits: 14/16
GNEL401 General Elective (2)
HI491 Baptist History & Distinctives (3)
SCEL411 Biology Elective (3/4)
SCEL412 Biology Elective (3/4)
SCEL413 Biology Elective (3/4)
Total Credits: 14/17
BIEL401 Bible Elective (2)
CM443 Marriage & Family (2)
SCEL414 Biology Elective (3/4)
SCEL415 Biology Elective (3/4)
SCEL416 Biology Elective (3/4)
OR400 Senior Forum (1)
Total Credits: 14/17
• Demonstrate knowledge of the natural sciences, physical, chemical, or biological as it applies to the chosen field of study.
• Demonstrate the ability to critically examine knowledge and theory through scientific, mathematical and Biblical methodology.
• Work as a team member in project-based learning and work environments.
• Demonstrate communication skills through verbal, non-verbal and written modalities.
BI101 Old Testament Survey (3)
CM121 Personal Evangelism (2)
BU141 Office Computer Applications (3)
EN101 Grammar & Composition I (3)
MA122 Introductory Algebra (3)
MA/SC EL Chemistry I (Recommended) (3/4)
OR100 Freshman Orientation (1)
Total Credits: 18/19
BI102 New Testament Survey (3)
CM132 Living the Christian Life (2)
EN104 Grammar & Composition II (3)
EN122 Speech (3)
MA220 Probability & Statistics (3)
MA/SC EL Nutrition (Recommended) (3)
Total Credits: 17
BI211 Bible Doctrine I (3)
PS101 Introduction to Psychology (3)
HI101 History of Civilization I (3)
MA/SC EL Human Anatomy & Physiology I (Recommended) (3/4)
MA/SC EL Math/Science Elective (3/4)
Total Credits: 15/17
BI212 Bible Doctrine II (3)
BU260 Economics (3)
HI102 History of Civilization II (3)
OR400 Senior Forum (1)
SC401 Creation Science (3)
MA/SC EL Human Anatomy & Physiology II (Recommended) (3/4)
MA/SC EL Intro to Microbiology (Recommended) (3/4)
Total Credits: 19/21